5 Things to do for a Marvelous Monday!

You have a choice, moan about Mondays or make them Marvelous Mondays! Think of Mondays as a ‘preview’ of you for the week. When people watch a preview, they often decide if they want more.
So make people want more! Why? The more people want to hear, see, work and play with you, the more opportunities you will have to go further and dream bigger.
It’s like a numbers’ game in sales, the more calls you make, the more opportunities you will have to sell and close.

So what are 5 Things To do to make Mondays More Marvelous…

1) Take extra care in managing your image. When you look good, you feel good. Pick clothes that make you fee like superman when you put them on. Groom impeccably.

2) Stand tall – Researchers at Harvard Business School have found that when you do ‘Power Poses’ you feel more confident. What you do physically affects you psychologically. It’s biology! So stand tall and use furniture as an extension of yourself instead of hiding behind them.

3)Smile – and the world smiles with you! People like to hang around happy people. Plus, when you smile, you trigger ‘happy’ chemicals in your brain. It is also contagious…apparently. So, wouldn’t it be great that everytime someone walks away from you, they feel good.(No, not because they left you…but because an encounter with you leaves them feeling better!)

4) Be kind – you’ll be surprised how good it feels to simply be kind to someone. They may even pay that forward..you may even start a revolution!

5) Be sincere – So, you may be the best practitioner of positive body language and with a mega watt smile to boot. But, it will fall flat or sink like the Titanic if it is filled with … nothing. A little sincerity goes a long way. Try it.

Wishing you a Marvelous Monday!