Business Etiquette Seminar/Workshop

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Managing oily skin in humid, hot weather…

One of the things I miss most about the land down under is the weather. Okay, Bondi Beach is pretty high on the list as well….(you can find some pretty awesome bagels in Bondi)

Living in Singapore has its’ perks as well but that is for another day..For now, I am sharing what is working for me in managing the shiny T-zone. As many of you living in Singapore will know, the seasons are…rain or no rain. The only constant is the humidity. It does not go below 22 (at night, one night, many moons ago).

So how does one keep one’s face from the dreaded shine? We want our skin to be hydrated, supple, bright BUT not dripping from over active oil glands. We shall leave that to the oil-producing countries.

Here are some products that I have found helpful.

  1. “Off with those heads!” – Other than the fact that I lurve the tagline, it works better than most of the black/white head products I have used in the past.
    I have been using it at night as I find that it works best for me. No signs of blackheads after 2 months. Nada! I’m surprised. Pleasantly surprised as there were no painful extractions to endure!
    The whiteheads..well, they are a bit tougher. It’s reduced it significantly but it has not totally cleared it.
  2. In the morning, a good wash with Kingo, Kingo (see earlier post about the fab japanese face wash.)
  3. Followed by Vichy moisturizer which promises 6 hours of no-shine but for me, I’m lucky to get a couple of hours. (If I sit still and not move in an air-conditioned room – set at 18 degrees, I may get 3 hours..).
  4. I mix my Vichy foundation with the Vichy Normaderm. It allows me to use less foundation for maximum coverage.
  5. A light coverage of powder (try Revlon’s powder foundation.) to seal.
    Note: During the day, when the shine starts to show, use a tissue to dab your skin. Then follow through with a dusting of face powder. If you don’t dab the oil off, you may find that your powder will ‘cake’ up. Not a good look. Using oil blotters are fine for the exceptionally busy days but I find that they more I use them, the more active the oil glands.

Enjoy! Let me know if you are using any revolutionary products that are keeping the oil glands at bay!





Are you the master of your domain?? 5 things you should do..

Do you own ‘YOU’?

Errhh..yes? No? I don’t know? I recently read an article from a well-respected gentleman. I should also mention that he hails from a well in fact, very well-respected family. The article was interesting to me as I find it fascinating to see how different people view the world and all that is in it. My impression from the article was that the writer generally does not judge a person by their first impression. That is always good to hear. I however, do believe that first impression counts for MOST people. So the smarter way to work should be to ensure that your image is up to scratch. That is, until you have achieve a status that renders you ‘exceptional’. To me ‘exceptional’ people include Mahatma Gandhi, Trump, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Lee Kuan Yew, Mother Theresa, Oprah and few more. You get the idea..

If you have achieve a reputable reputation or notoriety of sorts and people kinda know what to expect, then generally you will have more flexibility in what and how you ‘show up’. So for the rest of us, until we get to the top, we should constantly evaluate and re-evaluate our brand and image.

So here are 5 key things to get you started:

  1. Your image, your look should be appropriate to your job and industry. (As an Image Consultant, I can have my patch of bleached hair being in a creative industry and all. As an Insurance professional, you may want to keep your image a little sharper and less dramatic.)
  2. Keep it consistent. Don’t let your guard down. Having a bad day? You’ll be surprise at how sharpening your image will boost your mood and confidence.
  3. Wear clothes that fit you. Brand shblam, who cares about the label? A badly fitted Hugo Boss won’t do you any favours.
  4. Think positive and have a good attitude. People can see it and people can feel it. Nothing uglier and less attractive than a mean, unhappy, calculating person.
  5. Make sure that your brand goes right across your presence even in the virtual world. Linkedin, facebook and every networking/marketing tool. (For example, avoid photos of your dog, cat, baby when using Linkedin. I mean, seriously..

It is your opportunity to tell people how and what to think of you.

So looking at you now, is your image bad or is it PHAT!!??